Four things that every business must know and track

Juned Ahsan
4 min readOct 14, 2021

1. Strengths

Business strength is hard to generalize using a common definition, as strengths and weaknesses often change positions. A business's strength may lie in its products, people, profile, etc. It can be something that helps business achieve their objectives consistently. Strengths may not be obvious always and needs exploration. It is essential for a business to identify its strengths for a few of the mentioned reasons:

  • To realize your business area to excel and how you can differentiate from others.
  • To make sure that strengths are assessed and maintained.
  • A strength today may become a weakness tomorrow, or vice versa.
  • To channelize resources on the right areas
  • To identify the strongest parts of your business and your most effective selling points
  • To achieve your goals using smart work and not just hard work

Your strengths can help your business to be undeniably good in your domain, so much so, that it cannot be substituted. Strengths are not stagnant, they help you to do bigger things and develop bigger strengths. It is important to challenge whether your strengths will lead to your objectives, as wrong assumptions can lead to failures. For example, speed can be…



Juned Ahsan

Strong believer of learning and sharing. Professionally into enterprise, people and technical leadership. Personally, I like to read, write, and meet new peop